Chunhui product was selected as the first Intellectual Property Intensive Products in Nanjing

Eeit Time:2023-02-16 15:50:49

According to the spirit of the document "Some Measures to Accelerate the Development of SRDI Small Medium-sized Enterprises" (No.61, by Nanjing Gov. Office, 2021), Nanjing Intellectual Property Bureau organized the first declaration evaluation of intellectual property intensive products in order to encourage enterprises to increase R&D investment, focus on core technologies, deeply cultivate subdivided fields, continuously produce high-quality patents, promote the high-quality development of SRDI(Specialized, Refinement, Differential, Innovation) enterprises. The selection work is only for the SRDI enterprises recognized by the state province as well as a total of 570 municipal enterprises applying for cultivation. Chunhui product, multicomponent glass fiber bundle won the identification.

The identification of intellectual property intensive products is a new measure taken by Nanjing to take the lead in supporting the high-quality development of SRDI enterprises in China. A total of 36 products were identified in the first batch, covering more than 20 fields such as new materials, biomedicine, high-performance medical devices aerospace equipment.

At present, depending on the core technology products processes, Chunhui company has 56 valid patents, including 18 invention patents. With the identification, the company will continue to increase R&D investment in independent innovation, take it as the driving force to promote the company to deeply explore market segments, in-depth study of key core technologies, optimize resource allocation, achieve high-quality development.

© Nanjing Chunhui Science Technology Industrial Co., Ltd.
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